Information for Parents

Working in partnership with our parents is crucial to us because we know that a close relationship between nursery and home leads to the best outcomes for children. This approach also underpins our vision of building the most inclusive community of children, educators and families.
Parent partnership is about working together to share knowledge, understand children’s interests and discover how best to support their learning.
At our nursery, we do this in a number of ways…
Real-time, two way communication via our parent app and online learning journey, Blossom.
The Blossom app puts your child’s time at nursery right at your fingertips with access to information about your child’s day including meals, snacks, nappies, sleeps and milk feeds and updates on activities, delivered straight to your phone. It enables us to regularly share children’s progress and development with you, including development stages, next steps, and ‘Golden moments’, and for you to share information from home, including photos and home observations, so you are truly involved in your child’s education.

We operate an open-door policy where parents are welcome at our nursery at any time of the day.
Whether that is to discuss their child’s development or take part in discussions about the service we provide, parents are always welcome at our nursery. We actively encourage parents to join children and Educators to take part in activities, experiences and outings, or to share information about their work, interests or culture.
Clear communication and feedback.
The foundation for any successful relationship is transparent and honest communication and we think that works both ways. So, whilst we will keep you updated with everything that is happening at nursery via our newsletters and Blossom updates, we also want to hear from you. We regularly seek and share feedback from our families to make sure we are doing everything we can to fulfil our mission of nourishing the hearts, hands and minds of our children.
Our policies and procedures
“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.”

Policy writing is important as a way of formally setting out our philosophy and how we will achieve the best outcomes for all of the children who attend our nursery. Policies support us in meeting our legal requirements, providing clear and consistent information to our team of Educators, families and the wider community, and helping us to set out our standards of good practice.
We have a carefully formulated set of policies and procedures at nursery which underpin our legal responsibilities to ensure the welfare of all children, staff and families at our nursery, and to support equality of opportunity for all. These policies are under constant review to ensure they meet the high standards set by our regulators, Ofsted, and that they meet the requirements of the Statutory Framework.
Our full set of policies and procedures is available on request from the nursery but there are some really important pieces of information from these policies which are available to download here.
If you require copies of any of our policies in large print, Braille or languages other than English, please speak to the nursery manager.

Complaints and Compliments

Diversity, Inclusion and Equality

Late and Uncollected Children

Lost Child Policy

Monitoring and Managing High Temperatures

Privacy Notice


School Readiness

Special Educational Needs